DIY Taco Seasoning Mix

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This taco seasoning mix boasts plenty of flavor. It goes together easily using basic ingredients and you can control the amounts.

dry seasonings in a white bowl for diy taco seasoning mix

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Here’s What You’ll Need

  • Chili Powder – Doesn’t have to be Mexene brand. This is just what I use.
  • Paprika
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Dried Oregano
  • Garlic Powder
  • Onion Powder
  • Corn Starch
salt, pepper, cornstarch, chili powder, paprika gar powder, oregano, onion powder

Here’s What You Do

Add ingredients into a bowl and stir well. You can sift the cornstarch to break up the lumps or just press down with the spoon as you mix. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Just do the best you can. You may notice this recipe does not include Cumin. You can certainly add it to this recipe if you must, just know it will change the taste.

How To Store Your Mix

Store in a glass jar and label your jar because trust me, you will forget what you made. This mix can probably store for up to 6 months, but in our household I like to keep my life simple and plan for Taco Tuesday every week. The amount I have in this photo is doubled what my recipe shows.

pint mason jar with taco seasoning and
white mason jar lid with taco seasoning label

How To Use Your Taco Seasoning Mix

Brown meat, drain the fat, add 2 tablespoons taco seasoning mix per 1 pound of meat (more or less to taste). Add about 1/2 cup of water and simmer on low until thickened. Use this mix on beef, venison, chicken, or beans.

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DIY Taco Seasoning Mix - No Cumin

DIY Taco Seasoning Mix - No Cumin

You won't miss the cumin in this easy to assemble seasoning using basic ingredients.


  • 4 Tablespoons Chili Powder
  • 1 Tablespoon Paprika
  • 1 Tablespoon Salt
  • 1 teaspoon Pepper
  • 1 teaspoon Dried Oregano
  • 1 teaspoon Garlic Powder
  • 1 teaspoon Onion Powder
  • 1 Tablespoon Corn Starch


  1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl breaking up cornstarch lumps if needed
  2. Add to a glass jar and label
  3. Store for up to 6 months
  4. To Use: Cook meat, drain fat. Add 2 Tablespoons per 1 pound meat. Add 1/2 cup water and simmer on low until thickened.


This recipe doubles easily. Use on beef, venison, chicken, or beans.

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